SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP2 Fundamentals 3115

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is a highly reliable, interoperable and manageable server operating system that enables firms to cost-effectively and securely deliver mission critical services. In this course, you are introduced to the fundamentals of Linux and gain a basic understanding of the core features of the SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 operating system. Course 3115 is the first course to take in preparation for the SUSE Certified Administrator in Enterprise Linux 11 certification. Course Outline: 1: First Steps with Linux 2: Locate and Use Help Resources 3: Manage Linux File System 4: Work with the Linux Shell and CLI 5: Administer Linux with YaST 6: Manage Users, Groups, and Permissions 7: Use Linux Text Editors 8: First Steps with Linux 9: Locate and Use Help Resources 10: Manage Linux File System 11: Work with the Linux Shell and CLI 12: Administer Linux with YaST 13: Manage Users, Groups, and Permissions 14: Use Linux Text Editors 15: Manage Software with RPM

Vendor: SUSE

Provider: Master Linux.

Category: System Infrastructure

Start at: 2020-04-05

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